About us

About us

Mazor Organization focuses on counseling, guidance, accompaniment, and providing professional medical information. The organization’s staff handles each case with great sensitivity, dedication and professionalism. The team has been trained by Rabbi Shimon Rogoway, one of the most senior medical consultants in Israel, who has many years of experience with the health care system in Israel and around the world, to provide the most professional and appropriate information to the patient.

The Mazor organization combines new technologies for research and medical information, and provides coordination and support to ease the bureaucratic difficulties faced by patients and their families.



The "Mazor" organization will provide free medical advice and guidance to patients and their families for each applicant.


Special attention to human service, inclusion and sensitivity to the patient's condition and environment.


The "Mazor" team will provide a personalized response to needs and abilities to obtain the best and most advanced medical treatment.

The "Mazor" team, made up of professionals who focus on and specialize in various medical topics, will provide advanced solutions and advice, each in their own field.


The medical advice and guidance will be provided by combining advanced technologies and methods in the field of medical informatics from Israel and the world.

We will assist the applicant throughout the medical process.

The "Mazor" organization is leading a revolution in the world of medical consulting, which will create a learning system to train the future generation of medical consultants and specialize in various fields.

About Rabbi Rogoway

Rabbi Shimon Rogoway, born in the USA, began his professional career as a medical consultant when medical consulting was still in its infancy in Israel. He set very high standards in the field, combining humanity and professionalism. Rabbi Rogoway began working independently about three decades ago. In those days, he offered help and guidance to every applicant, under difficult technical conditions, with dedication and the belief that he must use the knowledge and skills given to him to help the sick. Later in his career, Rabbi Rogoway became a member of the “Ezer Mizion” organization, where he founded the medical consultation department, which became a household name. During these years, Rabbi Rogoway built and led one of the largest and most respected departments in the field, training and managing a skilled team that handled dozens of requests daily, and formulating a unique worldview and activity that placed professionalism, service and integrity at the top of the priority list.

Today, Rabbi Rogoway heads the “Mazor” organization, and his goal is to be a messenger to bring Mazor to as many people as possible who are dealing alone with the most difficult moments of their lives when a beloved family member has a complex medical condition. In his unique way, Rabbi Rogoway helps each applicant, listens to the medical problem, considers the limitations of the person facing him, and constructs the best course of action. Doctors, professors, department heads, surgeons and hospital directors in Israel and around the world have a special respect for him and refer to his ability to analyze any medical case.

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